Take a Class...Learn to DANCE!
North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center
7521 Carmel Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113, USA ALL Classes use the following pricing (unless otherwise noted):
1 month (4 classes)/$40 month or $15 drop-in (unless otherwise noted) Class size limit: 16 We accept cash & check Call or email to reserve a spot!! |
Calendar |
Saturdays - Feb-Mar 2023Isolation Foundations
11am-12pm with Natalie At North Domingo Baca Center ($40/4 weeks or $15 drop in) From posture to sliding to lifting and twisting, we'll cover basic movements utilized in belly dance, laying the foundation for sharply executed technique with a thorough introduction to the fundamentals of muscle isolation. ATS Basics
12pm-1pm with Natalie At North Domingo Baca Center ($40/4 weeks or $15 drop in) A thorough intro to this fun, widespread style of belly dance, we'll build the vocabulary for basic combos, formations, left-vs-right lead and transitions that make this follow-the-leader group dance addictive and fun! TBDChoreography Class
6pm-7:30pm with Natalie ($40/4 week session or 1/2 price for existing students) Taking a blend of classic, fusion and old world moves and wrapping them up in a fun choreography! Performance opportunities always available but not mandatory. |